All vitamins and minerals are called “essential” micronutrients for a good reason: they are all essential to your health. Thousands of chemical reactions and processes run in the body all the time. These nutrients are heavily involved in these reactions, acting as cofactors. Among all of them, Vitamin C has become a superstar and a very popular product in the wellness industry.
As one of the most potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients in the body, vitamin C supports the immune system and fights free radicals. When accumulated in excess, free radicals cause oxidative stress. Oxidative stress and low-grade inflammation are major problems underlying chronic conditions from heart diseases, to diabetes, arthritis and cancer. Furthermore, vitamin C helps regenerate other antioxidants in the body, particularly vitamin E.2. YOUR HEART LOVES VITAMIN C
A leading cause of death worldwide, heart diseases can be prevented and better managed when you have healthy levels of vitamin C. Research shows that vitamin C helps reduce hypertension and prevent atherosclerosis (fatty buildup in and on the artery walls). A review of multiple studies with a combined of almost 300,000 participants found that after 10 years those who took vitamin C supplements daily had a 25% reduced risk of heart diseases compared with those who did not take these supplements.3. CRITICAL FOR BRAIN HEALTH
Vitamin C is needed to create neurotransmitters that support healthy cognition, mood and overall brain function. Dementia, ADHD and other brain conditions are associated with low vitamin C levels, while supplementing with Vitamin C helps improve memory and focus.4. BOOSTS THE IMMUNE FUNCTION
This nutrient stimulates the production and function of specific immune cells that fight microbes and other foreign invaders. Vitamin C also increases the production of interferon, which has strong antiviral qualities. Research found that those who have low levels of vitamin C are more likely to have more severe infections and poor outcome, while vitamin C supplements shorten the duration of common cold and ameliorate symptom severity.
Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen, which is needed for healthy skin, gut, and joints. Without enough vitamin C, the proteins from food are not properly absorbed, and thus the digestion is impaired. Vitamin C is also essential for wound healing, eye health, absorption of iron, and may prevent cancer as well.
Unlike many animals, humans are unable to produce vitamin C in the body. Many people do not get enough vitamin C from the diet, while others - those with malabsorption syndrome or chronic conditions, elderly and smokers are at higher risk to have less than optimal vitamin C levels. That’s why supplements are often needed.
Regular vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid can irritate the stomach and the absorption is not so great. Choose instead supplements that have vitamin C combined with bioflavonoids, which are plant compounds found in abundance in citrus fruits. Even better, look for a product that has been well-researched and have clinical studies supporting its efficacy.
NUTRATIFY PUREWAY-C uses a unique proprietary form of vitamin C which contains natural lipid metabolites and citrus bioflavonoids. When compared with other forms of vitamin C it was found to have superior bioavailability and uptake, better utilized in the cells and more potent to fight free radicals. This formula also leads to higher levels of vitamin C levels in the blood and reduces levels of C reactive protein, which is a key marker of inflammation. Try it today!
1. Paul Knekt et al; Antioxidant vitamins and coronary heart disease risk: a pooled analysis of 9 cohorts; Am J Clin Nutr; . 2004 Dec;80(6):1508-20. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/80.6.150
2. Christine A F von Arnim et al;Dietary antioxidants and dementia in a population-based case-control study among older people in South Germany;J Alzheimers Dis;. 2012;31(4):717-24. doi: 10.3233/JAD-2012-120634
3. Micronutrient Deficiencies in ADHD; International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine
4. M Paleologos 1, R G Cumming, R Lazarus; Cohort study of vitamin C intake and cognitive impairment;Am J Epidemiol; 1998 Jul 1;148(1):45-50. doi: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.aje.a009559
5. National Institutes of Health, Vitamin C - Office of Dietary Supplements
6. Dario Pancorbo , Carlos Vazquez, Mary Ann Fletcher;Vitamin C-lipid metabolites: uptake and retention and effect on plasma C-reactive protein and oxidized LDL levels in healthy volunteers; Med Sci Monit; 2008 Nov;14(11):CR547-51